Different Difficulties While Losing Weight

Everything depends on you, but there are several factors that influence when you gain weight or lose it.

1 – Genetic Factors

Simply, there are people whose somatotype allows them to consume more calories because their elevated metabolism rate burns more efficiently. Thus, nothing can be done if a person has a tendency to get fat and some not, but it may not mean that a person can eat anything all the times in any quantities without gaining weight, well, this will not happen, but in some cases happens later than others. There are individuals who eat more during a week and can add up to three or four kilos; others just go up half a kilogram. If you tend to gain weight, you should think about what you value more whether it is the pleasure of food, health or appearance.

Overweight people tend to suffer high risk factors for health such as hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, and those related to the movement of the joints of the lower limbs. If you tend to be overweight, you should simply pay more attention to what you eat. As for exercise, it is always good for everyone, whether you tend to be overweight or not.

2 – Cultural Factors

There are three main factors pertaining to culture mentioned below;

First Factor

Cultural factors have to do with the type of food and eating habits. There are styles of meals characterized by many sauces and condiments that provide lots of calories, while other styles like Japanese food are leaner. If your country is customary to consume large amounts of fat and carbohydrates, you should put more effort when planning a diet. This can be a problem since in many places refusing food is seen as an insult to the host or as a sign of disagreement. There is no strict advice I can give you in this regard, so you will have to improvise with your own excuse.Customized Fat Loss

Second Factor

Another cultural factor to consider is the drink; in many countries, alcohol is part of national customs, but this beverage provides tremendous amount of calories which certainly bad for health. As with the food, sometimes rejecting alcohol is seen as a sign of contempt, so it can be difficult to stay out of a binge.

Third Factor

A third cultural factor is the time of intake. There are countries where breakfast, an important meal of the day, is hardly taken and a light lunch and later a too hearty dinner. It is the opposite of what should be done, but it is not always easy to oppose these ingrained habits. You must be forceful in demanding that your individual choices are respected.

3 – Personal Factors

Personal factors are the easiest to change because they only depend on your own will, so these factors may spell trouble for the people who have difficultly when subjected to a diet supplemented with exercise, but these factors are needed to be considered to improve your lifestyle and achieve a better quality of life.